Zula europe game
Zula europe game


I have got turkish mates in my clan ive got no problem with anyone in this game but i agree with you they are lagging and that makes them get a stupid kills like when you can see him in one spot you get killed from the same guy but he get teleported to the other spot. I Have spend a ridiculous amounts of money in this game as you do a inventory check i would of tell ive got the best inventory ever in this game but i would like to see more people with the weapons and attachments ive got. When you have a community which %95 percent of it aged between 11-17 how can you execpt them to get zula gold. Īnother problem with the game is, Ridiculously high prices for me, i aint goint to lie its even expensive than Combat Arms EU ,Artic Combat even CSGO.


They should of update this game regularly and fix the bugs on weapons in the maps and obviously they have to bring the updates as same time as the other servers too.

zula europe game

you guys will loose so many players who is eligible and meant to play in European servers. letting them play this game in this servers.


If we are paying a certain amount of money we would like to receive the results as I believe it’s normal, for free to play game prices are expensive too, and I’ve agree with Mr/Mrs NSA1989 this meant to be Zula European server, as they have TR -Brazil- Thailand and Iranian servers for a reason right ? So if you’re from Middle East you gotta play in TR server. Anyone of you guys agree this ? Well it’s obvious pay to win for me. Supporting man answered me saying this game is not pay to win. Make it equal for everyone, so people will be interested more to play this game. where is equality where is the skillgap? There’s nothing worth playing ESL so many macro users with upgraded +5 Weapons. Ĭould you guys tell me how many of you got +5 or upgraded AWP ? This is the first ever FPS game where an upgraded AWP (+5) maximum degree gun is not a one shot kill, and the funny thing is non upgraded AWP is single shot kill, Mr Support how dare would you want us to spend money in this horrific experience. I totally agree with all of you guys, as I mentioned so many times before, the publishers has to do something to survive this game, I can give you a simple example which is happening to me near enough everyday.

Zula europe game