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They can live in saltwater that is 10 times saltier than seawater." "They drink salt water, retain the freshwater, and excrete the salt. What that means is they have to have fresh water and they live in a salty, sometimes extremely salty, environment," he said. "The most interesting aspect of brine shrimp biology, to me at least, is the fact that they are superb osmoregulators. Parsons said that despite their tiny size, their biology is fascinating. Once fully grown, they also develop a tail that remotely resembles those of monkeys, hence their marketed name. Some sea monkey customers claim theirs have grown up to an inch, but this is incredibly rare. Sea monkeys became popular because of their small size and were marketed as the perfect pet for people unable to keep a dog or other larger pets.įully grown brine shrimp only grow up to half an inch long. Nora Peevy/Getty Images What Do They Look Like Fully Grown? Sea monkey's have become a cult favorite and are known for hatching as soon as the eggs hit the water. It may be that brine shrimp live longer in captivity because they have a more reliable and consistent saltwater source. Humans disrupt water sources all over the world for a variety of reasons, including pollution, urban growth, and landscape changes. Parsons told Newsweek that he has seen reports recently that they are disappearing in some coastal areas because of human-caused water diversion. Some have claimed that they have kept their pet sea monkeys alive for five years. They live on average between two to three months.īrine shrimp kept as a sea monkey, however, can actually live much longer.

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This page also lists other sites covering technical and other topics related to SeaMonkey. In the wild, a brine shrimp's lifespan can vary as it largely depends on environmental conditions. The main channels of community activity within the SeaMonkey project are the newsgroup, the SeaMonkey forums at mozillaZine and our irc channel on They only take about a day to hatch so almost instant gratification, by 1960s standards anyway." How Long Do They Live? "The reason was because a kid could take a glass of salt water and pour the cysts in it and they would hatch into brine shrimp that were very active, crazy swimmers. The 'eggs' were sold on the back pages of comic books as 'sea monkeys,'" he said. The cysts can remain in a dormant stage for years if kept dry. Sea monkeys come with a pouch of eggs that hatch almost as soon as they hit salt water.īut Parsons told Newsweek that the eggs, which look like dust, are actually cysts: "Brine shrimp form a cyst stage, and the cysts were marketed as eggs. Parsons teaches several lectures on invertebrates, including brine shrimp. Parsons, a professor and marine biologist at the University of Mississippi. But they are actually interesting creatures in their own right, according to Glenn R. Since being introduced to the toy market half a century ago, sea monkeys have become a cult phenomenon. They thrive in captivity because of the constant source of saltwater.

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